Guruji was at Gurgaon and a sudden emergency took place in the family of Veerji at Bombay. A niece of Veerji threatened to commit suicide. Veerji prayed Guruji to come immediately and rescue the family, so Guruji was there and called the girl in the room. Very lovingly, Guruji asked, “Ki gall ai putt ?” (What is the problem my child ?) The girl started sobbing and said, “Guruji kal meri sagai hai aur meri gaal per yeh pimple hai, mein makeup kaise karoongi” (Tomorrow is my betrothal ceremony and see this pimple on my cheek, how will I do the make up ?)
In general, this can be gauged as a negligible problem, but she had taken it for too much and beyond her tolerance. The girl took it to extreme and refused to get engaged till the pimple goes away. The whole family looked helpless hence resulting an S.O.S. to Guruji. A kind hearted as Guruji is, suspended all His programmes and reached the scene in Bombay.
After listening to her Guruji touched the pimple with His finger and said, “Kal subhah yeh pimple nazar nahin aayega lekin, atam hatya ka khyal dimag me kabhi nahin ana chahiye, waada karo”. (The pimple will not exist in the morning, but the thought of suicide must go from the roots of your mind). The girl agreed.)
The biggest surprise to the Bombayites, there was no pimple at all in the morning. Not even the trace of it. The family and the devotees of Bombay were spellbound to witness an unbelievable miracle in their lives.
A solid pink pimple vanished in 8 hours. –How ?
Please Guruji tell us, –how?
Aap rab ho Guruji ! Mehar karo !